Friday, July 23, 2010

Hot or Not!!!

Things about Taiwan that are Amazeballs:
1. Bubble Tea - Tea that has these little chewy balls at the bottom made of sweet tofu.  so rad.
2. Night Market- You can buy everything here! Yeah, love it. 
3. People - The people here are so kind and will bend over backwards to make sure you get the full experience.  I seriously owe so many people but they won't ever allow me to pay them back. 
4. Adorable kids - Everyone here is gorgeous in general but the kids are cheek pinching adorable.  Especially if they are little nugget chubby faces.  PS - they are scared of giant blonde chicks. 
5. Skin protection - Guys and girls alike work hard to keep their skin white.  They wear sunblock, longsleeves, carry umbrellas, and even use skin whitening creams.  I know the reason isn't just to be healthy but i'm sure it's why most asians look so young!! 
6. Prices - Wow the cost of living here is amazing.  From what we have learned, most people save 40% of their income, pay for their kids college, and can still afford to live comfortably.  You can have an amazing multi course meal in a restaurant for around $4. 
7. Style - Everyone here dresses so cute.  There are a lot of bows, leggings, dresses, hats, giant glasses, floral prints, scrunchies, lace, and hilarious t-shirts.  Guys even carry murses. 

Things I could def live without:
1. Floor Toilets!!!  I don't get this.  Last time I went to Lowe's, toilets were like $40.  Why would you subject yourself to this mess?
2. Driving.  If you have road rage, don't come here.  Pedestrians do NOT have the right of way so you nearly get hit by a car or moped on a daily basis.  Also, no one stops unless there's a redlight. 
3. Humidity - It gets hot in the summer in the south, but you could cut through the air here with a butter knife. I think there is about 5% oxygen in the air. 
4. Stinky Tofu - This is hilarious to the Taiwanese...i guess they're used to the smell.  This is a real street food and it smells like ass. 
5. Wifi - All the FREE wifi here requires a login and password....ugh...where would i get this??
6. Sizes - It's really hard to find sizes in clothes other than small and extra small.  Not that I think you should cater to obesity like we do in America...but come on!!
7. The Bed Situation - Mattresses here a like a chunky comforter.  Not to sound like a brat, but you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping, why not go all out on a mattress??? 

Misc. Can't decide what I think of this stuff.  It could go either way.
1. Masks - Most of the time when people where a mask it's for good reason, they are sick and don't want others to catch it or they don't want to breathe in the exhaust from cars and mopeds.  It's still kinda hard to get used to though.
2. Health Inspection - There are some restaurants and other establishments that would not pass health codes in the US of A but we still ate there..and the food was good.

1 comment:

Jeremy Johnson said...

I defiantly agree with everything on the hot list, especially the kind people that want nothing in return for their generousity. Stinky Tofu defiantly not my fav and I also agree with the little toilets. Not only is it hard but it made me feel like I was gonna get some in my boxers. Next thing I know I'm completely bottomless doing the spider pooh. Sorry for the image haha.